Pooja & Deo


Despite her young age, Pooja is a big help to her mother. She wakes at 5:00 am and then helps her mother to collect water for their family. After collecting water, Pooja helps to feed their goats and cows.

Pappu Devi, Pooja’s mother, works 12 hours per day as a laborer. Pappu Devi is very stressed about their day-to-day lives because her husband has not found work in several months.

Pooja likes to study and goes to school for a couple of hours after she has finished her housework. She also studies at home. Pooja would like to go to college and become a nurse or Hindi teacher.

Thanks to the generous support our donors Rajesh & Rachna Jain, Alex Moore and Richa & Atul Aggarwal Foundation, Pooja will soon be able to realize her dreams.

Pooja and Deo’s family will soon have their own rainwater harvesting tank with biosand filter. This will enable Pooja and Deo to attend school rather than collect water. In addition, Pooja and Deo will receive a bicycle, school supplies and tuition for attending school. Moreover, Pooja and Deo’s family will receive training to setup a garden using the khadin method which uses rainwater for agriculture.

Now Pooja and her sister Deo will be able to pursue their dreams rather than walking long distances to collect water.

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